
found Fins to Make Us More Fish-Like, Liars EP. fantastic
i had thought that this was the more experimental one, from Pitchfork, but we put it on in the car... and it's still funky as all hell.
"Pillars Were Hollow and Filled With Candy, So We Knocked Them Down" is the insane freak out that Liars opened with at the fireside... the best part is that it doesnt even need a typical insane bass line to rock so hard. worth it for the song alone
"Every Day Is a Child with Teeth" is just kind of weird. cool ideas, but doesnt go much anyplace. it's ok tho, we still love you
the new recording of "Grown Men Don't Fall in the River, Just Like That" is, contrary to what the Pitchfork review says, is at first more muffled and softer than the original version. but it is a ton more intense... the chanting is harmonized, the bass rocks harder, Angus loses it more violently, and the opening "can you hear us" is much more ominous and involves the whole band, just like the whole audience chanting along with Angus without a mic at the show.

also... played bass with Ramadan Rick this afternoon. rock. I like bassing

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