
Moving Units news

Blake from Moving Units made a statement on the band's message board that the release date of their debut album, Dangerous Dreams, will be pushed back. From the board:

Due to the meticulous nature in which we record and the elusive grip we seem to have upon our creative inertia the album has been delayed.

If it's any consolation, a single is scheduled to be released in late september with 2 new tracks and an instrumental mix of the A side.

Apparently, we are not the prolific types we had once fancied ourselves to be. It pains me to confess that I have dragged Chris and Johan through an absurd vortex of creative scrutiny throughout the tracking and mixing phases of this album. And they have been quite gracious and indulgent to allow me to do so i might add.

Be that as it may, I can assure you that the recorded performances on this album are quite candid and raw- an approach the three of us have been dedicated to since we formed the group.

Sorry if this all sounds a bit dry and academic. I would just like everyone to know we truly appreciate your sincerity and support. We share your enthusiasm for connecting with one another as passionate fans of music and counter culture.

If anyone still cares by the time this thing finally emerges then we'll surely have ourselves one sick sick dance party indeed. Oh, and read a book now and then too.

Best Wishes,

Blake from MVG UTS

Responding to an inquiry of just when the album might come out, Blake said that the album will probably come out early next year. The band is also planning on touring Europe and the UK in late November and early December.

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