
Fuck Buttons

This is a photo from Fuck Buttons' website. I'm not really sure what's happening in it. At first glance it looks like Fuck Button Benjamin John Power is inhaling a joint while starting a jet engine, which appropriately enough works as a description for their new album, Tarot Sport. Produced by the legendary Andrew Weatherall, it sounds like a jet engine spinning at the precise frequency where all of its mechanical workings correctly align to produce danceable rhythms from its clicks and clacks, while the roaring white noise coalesces into trance-like chord progressions and melodies.

Album opener "Surf Solar" is a good place for take off. The album version is much longer than this 7" edit, and a sufficient jaw-dropper/mind-expander to start the record. Fuck Buttons will be at the Cave (again, very appropriate) at Carleton College tomorrow, and at the Triple Rock on Thursday, with the Social Registry's Growing opening.

1 comment:

lambok vino said...

good sound !amazing