
Body Affirming

Gavin Russom, aka "the Wizard," has temporarily traded his Black Meteoric Star moniker for the Crystal Ark.  Thankfully, he is continuing his journey within the realm of excellent dance music, evidenced by last week's release of "The City Never Sleeps" on DFA.  The single is less raw acid than BMS, with lush textures and female vocals from Viva Ruiz, but it's no less original or compelling, thanks to his unique perspectives on dance music and his self-made equipment..

You can listen to the song over at Dummy, where Russom is also interviewed about the project.  Also be sure to check out his feature on Vice's Electric Independence - formally a terriffic music column, now a must-see internet TV show featuring electronic musicians and their favorite subject: gear.

Russom also shout-outs Nation Records in a small DFA Recommends feature at Dazed Digital, along with picks from Shit Robot and Ray Mang.

1 comment:

albert said...

I've found my self building my own shit in software more and more. wish I had a better understanding of electronics components to build some hardware. maxmsp has been holding up very well on the software end of things tho. SOUNDBLASTER16.